Sunday, May 22, 2011

Agnostic Theism

As an Agnostic Theist, I hold to the belief that knowing GOD is inherently impossible; we can only define, at most, what we believe about GOD. In fact, it is this belief that underpins my usage of various theistic designations, namely: 'GOD', 'God', and 'god'.

The Unknowable TRUTH; so Unknowable, in fact, that even suggesting what is or is not possible for GOD to be supposes too much knowledge of IT. I believe GOD exists. I also believe GOD to have certain characteristics.


In the most basic sense, God is GOD+characteristics, i.e., God is any given characterization of GOD. Thus, I believe in GOD and God. In other words, GOD, as an Unknowable, leaves much to be desired in terms of belief and understanding; so, using my extremely limited toolbox, consisting mostly of logic, reasoning, and perception, I attempt to understand GOD, and come up with certain characteristics that I believe seem fitting. The result is a concept: God (as distinguished from the true Unknowable GOD).


Anything that someone might consider calling a 'god' but that is not evidently an attempt to characterize or understand GOD HERSELF. Thus, Zeus, Osiris, Quetzalcoatl, and others are all gods. Superman might even be a god, if one were so inclined to regard him as such.


  1. Do you believe that it is possible that GOD does NOT exist? What reasons do you have for supposing that SHE does?

  2. I believe GOD exists. I know it is possible that GOD doesn't exist.

    My reasons are my own. It is more of a personal matter than anything; my beliefs are not rational, logical, or reasonable. This is why I never attempt to convince anyone of GOD's existence: the matter is inherently unprovable.

